Saturday, November 7, 2009

Not over 200


5.5 SNG 9seat

Down to 3 players and playing pretty dominant poker. Decent cards- hitting flops- betting aggressively… Then got KQoff all in against my QQ and he rivered his K. It went downhill from there finishing when 77 lost to A8.

5.5 SNG 9seat

HUGE first hand. Tried to limp along with a pack with K9s. BB raised, a couple callers, I was on the button so I went too. I hit top pair on a nicely mixed flop. Original raiser bet, he got a caller, and I just didn’t buy it. I shoved. Original raiser called, other guy folded, and my caller turned over A high.

I got sucked out for half my stack- puts me a bit over average.

I won a small pot with quad eights. Then lost a big hand to a straight flush.

Smallish stack limp called all in with A4off to chop with my AQs that flopped broadway straight.

Then, I flopped a set against this monkey and put him all in and he runner runnered a four flush.

Same motherfucker limps calls all in with KQ against my JJ and flops a king.

My last three hands- from above average to out- were all against the same guy- I had him beat every time.

5.5 SNG 9 seat

Okay, legit loss. Sort of a tech failure though. BB with QToff. UTG makes a min raise INSTANTLY when the cards go out. There is NO WAY he is making a considered decision. A couple of callers. Flop comes Q high. I bet the pot and decide that if UTG guy goes over me I am calling regardless. He goes all in- I call- he has KK. Later I realized that he probably just loaded the cards faster. Oh well.

5.5 SNG 9 seat

Crushed in an early hand when 77 struck gold in his set mine.

Eventually back to average after a nice double up that didn’t even involve showing down because so many people were involved and folded to my shove.

Out, and I deserved it. M of 10. 3x raise from the hijack. I shoved with KQ on the button. He called with AKs.

Fuck this is upsetting.

5.5 SNG 9seat

If I don’t crush this I am done. I called a smaller stack all in preflop with AQ- he had AK. I hit trip queens and he straighted. I am crippled in chips and ready to freak the fuck out.

Busted in the middle of the pack. I won a couple of races in a row and then lost one.

The blinds had gotten HUGE so… shrug.

I can’t stop now but am dropping a level.

2.25 SNG 9 seat

KK, reraised a reraise preflop. Guy called. Raised the flop. Guy called. Raised the turn. Guy called. River completed a flush- guy made a min bet- I called… he was drawing to the flush.

KK again against the same guy. Reraise preflop- call. Innocuous flop- with a 7. He bets, I reraise- he calls. Turn is a blank- he bets- I reraise all-in- he calls. Turns over Q7. And rivers his 7. No fucking shit.

Dropping down a level sucks my ass.


I went back to 5.5 and took a first. It puts me back to only a couple bucks down. Sigh. If not for the suckouts I’d have cleared two hundred today..


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