Monday, October 12, 2009

fuck poker tracker


Poker Tracker installed and running (thank you Truth) again (also thank you Truth) so I will stop recording my per tourney results in XLS. We will see how that works.

5+5 SNG 9

Lots of folding. Raised the SB when he limped and I had A8. Scoop. 5x from UTG with JJ- scoop. 3x from hijack with KJoff- scoop.

Can’t figure out a way to place the tracker elements that does not cause problems with the FT UI. I remember this being a pain before but I’ve got less real estate now… Hhhmmm

Got myself in some trouble with AQ. Strategic error I guess- mostly a donk got lucky and I played poorly after that. AQ in late. Raise from cut off- big stack… I reraised- he called. Flop came KQT. I hoped I could push him off with a check raise- but he had hit the king when he called with his fucking K4. At that point I had basically no chips left and it was over.

5+5 SNG 9

TT in the second hand. 3x raise from late.
BB reraises me
I call
Flop is J95 or something- two hearts.
I bet the pot
He reraises all in
I fold.

2/3 my chips gone.

There is nothing like the level of data required to draw anything resembling a conclusion from this. But this is what it has pretty much felt like since the 17/20 day.

Well, no, not true. Typically there is about twice as much folding between the fuckings.

I now feel impatient. This bodes ill.

And I am out. AJsuited in the BB with my 580 chips. Hijack raises with 900 or so. I reraise all-in. He calls with 44. Flop is JT2… turn is a 4.

Welcome to my life.

5+5 SNG 9

So, what do we have so far? Two tourneys- two people making fucking stupid calls- two people beating me. All the winnings from last night’s 3 cash out of 4 games are gone with tonight’s AWESOME 2 games- 2 loses streak.

At least now I have specific data and nobody can bitch.

Letting myself get fancy- this is bad. Parade of limpers into my BB with QJ. I missed the flop but decided to play BB-special and continuation bet. Two callers. Turn paired a card from the flop and I decided to check raise like I hit it. Sadly, UTG limper guy pushed all in over me so I let it go.

Then I ran AQ into AK.

My chip utility is now “all in to win” class. Go me.

Oh and out- I won back some chips and then…

Raised preflop with KJ. Reraised (min reraise) that I call.
Flop is QJJ
I check
He goes all in
I call
He turns over TT
Turn is a T.

Seriously, is it a wonder that I am depressed?

So, lets recap.

K4 raises and then calls a reraise. Hits top pair with a shitty kicker with a straight on the board… and calls a check raise (from the guy who reraised preflop).

AJ hit a jack on the flop- and loses to 44 hitting a 4 on the turn.

JJJ after the flop, guy with an underpair goes all in- I call with my set- he hits a boat on the turn.

5+5 SNG 9

Lets call this tourney “are you fucking kidding me right now”

This is my fourth tourney for the night. My fourth loss- third suckout. The other one the guy was just an idiot- although I made a bad move I guess.

I call a medium raise that already has a caller from late position. I am holding AJsuited.
BB calls. Four way pot.

Flop comes 889, two of my suit.

Small stack goes all in- I call, BB calls- three way pot now.

Turn gives me the nuts. I push all in.

Other guy calls with top pair Q kicker.

And spikes top set (for 9’s full of 8s) on the river.

5+5 SNG 9

Massive chip leader. Limped into a pot from the SB with 89suited. Flopped three-to-the and gutshot with 2 overs. Called a small bet then small stack went all in. Everyone folded and I decided that I had a lot of outs and he smelled desperate. I called- he had flopped the shitty flush- none of my outs came.

Still chip leader just by a small margin.

Went back to massive leader then doubled up a guy who had a shitty ace like mine- except his shitty kicker also hit for two pair.

5 handed atm

Out 3rd. I pushed top pair after the fourth flush card hit the board. It was an error but I was getting bullied mercilessly by the big stack- not sure I would have played it different even if I noticed.

5+5 SNG 9

Pocket aces, raise, two callers, two flush cards come on the flop- one caller goes all in- I figure him for the draw- I am still ahead- I call- other guy calls too with open ended straight draw. Flush guy hits- I didn’t look to see if I was second or third best.

Having dropped the 100 bucks on Poker Tracker I am well on my way to burning through my entire bankroll on 90% suckouts.

Truth is trying to be sympathetic- but his acting is poor.

5+5 SNG 9

1/3 of my chips gone when I flopped top pair and four-to-the. Top pair lost to two pair and the flush did not complete.

I don’t even know what game I am on. I ran AQ into KK and am going to bed.

Fuck poker. Fuck my life. Fuck poker tracker. Fuck donkeys who call reraises with K4. Fuck anyone who sucks out- hell, I will only get fucked about once every two weeks if we make that rule. And fuck anyone who says its just math. That means you Truth. I am fucking special.

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