Sunday, October 4, 2009

HPT day 3


Today was weird. Despite something akin to a full night’s sleep I was very tired when we got up. Truth wanted to see if he could buy back into the main event for the HPT and the backup plan was a noon tourney at the Gilpin. We had to get up early enough to check the HPT thing, get breakfast, and get to the Gilpin. The alarm was set for 9:30 or something I think… There was a bridal party getting ready in the room next door so I was pretty much awake from 7 on…

Anyway, we got up, hit the HPT and were told no. Fuck them and their shitty run events anyway. Also fuck the hot hostess Katie O’keefe. Please? I would really like to…

From there we headed up towards the Gilpin and had breakfast at a place with a mafia enforcer for a waiter- he did a fine job and Truth tipped him about 25%.

We arrived at the Gilpin and got checked in. I was seated and feeling okay at first. My focus was really off though- I blame the fatigue. Mind wandering, checking out chicks, etc… Something called the Mountain Games was on the TV and it featured a lot of hot women rock climbing and mountain biking- I basically had to look at the table to avoid looking at the TV.

Then I saw a guy who was at the final table when I got FUCKED the night before. That was all the bad stimuli I needed. I proceeded to donk off half my chips calling a guy to the river with second pair. Then lose 75% of what was left chasing a flush draw- although, in that case- I had the math. I just wish I would have pushed. Oh well.

I went back to the hotel and went to sleep.

Sheriff had his flight B day one and was busted when his AA was cracked.

Truth went on to chop the noon tourney at the Gilpin.

My son sent me an awesome text message saying I was a good father. It makes me cry to think about it. I spend a lot of time feeling inadequate.

Truth called when he was done and we coordinated for a dinner meet up. We ate at this place with decent food that is almost free AND that takes the player’s club cards from the place the HPT stuff happened.

Then it was back to the Gilpin. I had worked hard to master my anger. I felt pretty good- mostly. Seeing the tourney director who did it hurt pretty good though.

I started off reasonably well. Had some cards, took some pots, doubled up a small stack when he drew a four straight- hit AA to bust him a few hands later. Lost a lot of chips to a big bluff- it was okay- my hand didn’t connect to the flop either and it was AWESOME that the guy was so fucking pleased with himself and showed the bluff. I love when people tell you about their game on accident.

Then, about this time, I go card dead until our table breaks. First hand at the new table I get AQ on the button. No action, I raise 3x, SB folds, BB (also the big stack), stares at me for a while- and pushes all in. Shit. Not something I want to deal with. I am pretty confident he is just being a bully- but he can pay me off without thinking twice and its my tournament. I make the call. He turns over AQ. We chop the pot.

A minute later I steal the blinds with KJoff.

Then, I go about 90 minutes without a playable hand.

I did fold K9suited with an all-in in front of me. I did fold 55 (my second pair) to a big raise and the guy showed his JJ after. I did fold K8suited from under the gun. Other than this I had nothing- Nothing- NOTHING. No ace rag, no suited connectors, no two cards larger than 8 at the same time… Nothing. I get walked once.

I fold my way to the final table.

I go two blind rounds without two cards that add up to more than 10. Finally, I am down to about 1.5 blinds- and I draw 55 on the button. It folds around to me and I go all in. SB folds, BB calls with QT, and I am out.

I do a lot of bitching. I think my circumstances warrant it. However, I try very hard not to be the “only sees the bad” guy. This is why I’ve been doing this writing, its why I track stuff in xls. I spend a lot of time on introspection. I am willing to work and change things and I want a better life- I am not just making noise.

So, with all that said, when I say things like “I only had 2 pairs” its pretty likely to be accurate. Sometimes I forget *A* hand- but even if I sometimes miss a minor element- the flavor of the story is valid.

I say this because I realized something that I can’t claim with my usual sense of certainty- but that I think might very well be true… I do not think I’ve won a race in Blackhawk. Eight or nine or however many tourneys I’ve played- and I do not think I’ve won a race.


I was pretty fucking frustrated about going out tonight.

Truth went on to make it to the chop and then busted out the next hand (roughly).

I managed to salvage my will to live enough to go play craps with Truth for a bit. We generally lost money and it made me feel bad. My head started to hurt, I was feeling tired, wanting to be ready for tomorrow, and I wanted to try to get a cash in on Full Tilt… However, the casino bug was also biting me. I went and bought into a roulette table for 20 bucks, turned it into 30, and then came home.

On the bubble bubble in my full tilt SNG. Hope to make it through then get sleep.

Actual bubble now.

Out on the bubble. I pushed too hard- they were playing gay and I thought I could shake something loose- but that requires some bit of luck- which means winning races which means- you guessed it! IGHN!

I should not have joined another one- I am tired. Shit.

Had a nice lead until AA ran into queen motherfucking ten who called a raise and a reraise preflop- then called a raise and a reraise post flop- to hit his straight.

No dice- out on the bubble again- same reason- tried to force it- big stacks super pokey- small stack just sucking life out of them with all-ins…

Anyway- I was nodding off and I am on a poker trip so I am exempt from cashing rule.

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