Thursday, October 1, 2009

HPT Day 1


Fucking tired- will be brief.

After last night’s full tilt clusterfuck I was never able to get to sleep. We left for the airport at five and I was a wreck. I was a dick to Truth- but not more than he deserved for being the door slamming cock knocker who woke me up. Also, sometimes he begs to be abused. Also I was so fucking tired my shit was barely together.

We made it to Blackhawk and were upgraded to a suite so that is nice. In fact, as soon as I am done writing this I am going to go use the GIANT ASS JACUZZI tub. Sadly, by myself. Not so sadly, not with Truth. I tried to nap, but slept poorly. Sunburn, crappy hotel bed (even though this is a sweet it’s a base level shitty motel bed with a half-ass pillow top… so the pillow top helps it not be THE WORST BED EVER but its still bottom 15%) and noises and excitement and whatever. So, I got a fitful to hours and headed down to the casino hosting the event.

Note: saw both announcers and the super hot blond host. In real life she is TINY!

Truth and Sheriff were already in the big MTT satellite. I thought about joining but it was about the second blind round AND it was full. So, whatever. Anyway, they were not doing the 85$ STT and the 120$ just paid cash to the top three. I played two of these.

First, I didn’t get many cards. I stole the blinds with AJsuited from UTG, I had a big raise re-raised all-in by a short stack (for a trivial amount more) and he turned over 99 to beat my AK. Then, was in another hand with that guy like two minutes later. 9Tsuited- flopped the flush- he pushed all in (out of position actually) I went all in with him anyway- and he had squat. It was a bluff (that was not going to work anyway) and he fucked it up. What a chode. This put me back at starting stack but the blinds were already huge. I call a small raise in the BB wit TJsuited. Raise was a min raise from early- aggressive player. Flop gives me the dummy end of an open ended straight flush. I know he will call if I bet and I know he will bet if I check. I decide an all-in checkraise is the best way to get some money and hopefully get a fold. I figure 50/50 he folds and if he calls with something I’ve got another 50% or so to win with all my draws. I check, he bets, I insta-all-in, and he insta-calls. He had AK for TPTK. My draws did not connect- out I went.

Second, again no cards. No pairs the whole first tourney- still nothing now. I draw A8suited from UTG and try my min-raise move but get reraised. I call the reraise even though it is bigger than I should. Flop is all the wrong color and big cards- he bets, I fold. Now I am hurt. I fold fold fold and then draw AA in the BB. UTG goes all-in for about my stack. Everyone folds- I call- AA holds up to put me a bit over starting stack.
A round later the blinds are 300/600 and a guy in mid goes all in for 1200. It folds around to me and I am holding an ace. Its one BB with some dead money- 6 to 1 odds or something- I call. He has J5. He hits the 5 on the flop. And I make the wheel on the river. I feel bad for sucking out- wait. I am messing this up but I can’t recall the details. I was in with this guy for all his chips twice. Both times we had over unders where I had an ace- so both times I was 60+% to win. He sucked out once- and the other time he sucked out but I resucked out. Overall he took more from me than I took from him.

At this point we are short handed- blinds are enormous- and its shove time. I managed to navigate this until, four handed, it folds to me the SB with 22. BB had barely more chips than the BB- so if I call or push he is coming with me. I agonize- and fold the pair. Next hand he goes all in with the guy to his left- and wins. I am in the money!

So, I cashed- record maintained. Also, I spent 120+120=240 and won 360. So, I am up 120 for the trip so far. Not sure if I will do a 360 qualifier tomorrow or not.

Fingers crossed.

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