Thursday, September 10, 2009

I feel ill.


Not sure how to handle some of this writing. First there is a purely operational issue. One could say that I am providing blow-by-blow pure poker updates, commentary, and then musings. A lot of people don’t care about the blow-by-blow and some of the commentary is worthless without the blow-by-blow. I don’t know how to provide enough separation that it is easy to ignore what you don’t want while preserving the real time elements of the musings. Furthermore, I expect a lot of this will be riddled with off-topic stuff about me struggling with my emotions and/or whatever.

The other thing I am waffling on is discussing personal tactics and strategies. Sheriff, for example, might someday read this, and while I like him, he is clearly The Enemy. I don’t want to give him insight into my game. But, I want a forum to vet these theories. Already I run into problems with Truth exploiting things I tell him when we discuss the game. How could he not? I don’t know. But at the same time anytime he and I are playing the primary goal is to become better players- so what then? I either play in a way he can predict or I play in a way I am uncomfortable with, is sub optimal, and that I don’t want to practice. Conversely, what is he supposed to do? Ignore the meaning of a move that he knows I am likely to make? Not make moves that he knows I am weak against?

This is the same problem I have with the “regular weekly game” that sends a representative to big buy-in tournaments. I think you start modifying your game because you know the tendencies of the other players and aren’t really pushing yourself- you are just cozying up to that specific competition. In the not too distant past I was a technology executive. I ran teams up to 50ish people, I made deals, I reviewed contracts, I dealt with high level stressful shit that most people could not handle. Then, also in the not too distant past, I went through the Quiznos Subs Manager Certification Training Program when I got involved with a friend operating several franchises. The training was basically three weeks of working behind the counter in a functional store. The level of intellect and discipline required for these two jobs could not be more different. A monkey can work at Quiznos. However, your mental energy will morph itself to fit the space you put it in. So, I put a lot of IQ into minor improvements in process- this is good- but I also get sucked into some of the politics and bullshit of the old Mexican women I was working with. Look at how Norma bullies Maria- that is so not cool- Maria works much harder and is better for the business- I should BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH… I am pouring the kind of effort and thought energy into this that could just as easily be used to create products intended to be used by hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. So, we do a regular game and the guy who is a weakish player and does basically RANDOM SHIT- I spend TONS OF ENERGY trying to beat. This is not something that translates into improving my play with quality players. In fact, I think it will hurt it.

Okay- poker time. 3.30 buy in 3,600 max with 10 minute blinds. Still in late reg.

Okay, 421 players. Down to 375 by the time registration was over. Pays 45 slots.

Checked from SB with 73 off.
Four people limped.
Board is 4JJ.
I bet half the pot and they all folded.

Not a bad proposition. If somebody has a jack and bets back I am out- if nobody bets back I scoop. I scooped.

5x raise with TT from middle late position-
BB stayed with me.
Flop was A29 and he bet the pot. I folded. Oh well.

I had to pee and left The Cute Helpful One at the keys. She flopped a straight from the big blind and won me some chips. She couldn’t get the bet slider to work after the river so she only bet 50 (1/12 the pot) at the end instead of 300ish. But she got a call which is better than if the guy folded.

121 of 313

134 of 296 without playing any hands- just to show how volatile the opening stages of these things are.

A9c from early middle- limp.
Flop is 4cQsJc and I bet the pot,
one guy stays,
turn is As, and
I bet the pot again- he goes away.

113 of 281

AQoff in BB.
3 limpers-
I raise 5x,
one goes away.
Flop is 968.
Everyone checks.
Turn is a Q and completes a flush.
SB makes a SMALL raise,
I call,
other guy calls.
River comes a 7
SB makes a slightly bigger raise-
I call because it smells “moveish”.
Other guy reraises 4x.
I realize there is now a flush and a four straight- how did I miss that?
SB calls-
I get out.
They both had straights.

166 of 258 now

Try to limp with A3suited,
lots of limpers-
button raises-
lots of callers-
I call because the pot is huge.
I miss completely- fold.

Hurt now. Should not have made the call- I didn’t have the chips to handle missing.

Well, I am not THAT hurt- but I am hurt.

224 of 242

Blinds are still really low. Time to lock it up.

I am at 920 chips from my starting 1500. I would be at starting stack if I had dropped the last two hands without making any post flop calls. That is how important it is to get out.

Made a move that did not work out. This is a tough situation. If you are going to make a move you have to make that move- but if you run into the guy who has “it” its tough. Checked into the flop with K9off. Board comes T44. I bet hoping to scoop like before. Only one guy goes away. Turn comes another T. I “fire the other barrel” as Wannabe calls it. He calls. River comes a 2. We check it down- guy had 84.

I went all in the next hand with A4off (many limpers and an M of 4 or so) and ran into KK.

The level of emotional abuse I put myself through in situations like this is nothing short of fantastic. I feel physically ill. I am flushed and hot. I want to hurt and be hurt. I want to break things. I can barely hold it together. Is it the 3.30 that I paid to get in? The 300ish that first place would get? Is it that “my cards didn’t work out”? Is it that I played not 100% optimally? Is it just transference of my frustrations in other aspects of my life?

Registered for a 5.50 45 seat. Blinds are faster at 6 minutes instead of 10. I shouldn’t be in this- I am still so upset from what happened a minute ago that I am not sure if I will need to bolt to the bathroom or not. Seated now though.

Remember yesterday when I talked about my super good mood? I spent the whole day sabotaging it because I knew I would rubber band back to somewhere diametrically dark today. I thought if I don’t let myself be too happy- I won’t be too angry/sad tomorrow. I don’t know if it worked and I would be even worse off- or I just cheated myself out of some happiness.

Watched four episodes of the WSOP last night. Do they intentionally edit it down to the lamest fucking hands they can find? I know they like to show the big bluffs and stuff but the hands they showed were so uniformly poorly played that even the thrill of those sorts of hands was watered down. Also, I can’t imagine some of these guys playing ANY hands like this. I was commenting to Truth that I wondered if we were seeing the culmination of some meta circumstance. Why would Eric Lindgren limp with AA? Well, maybe he stole the blinds the last 20 times he made any raises and he wanted a chance to make some money? Shrug.

17 of 44 going into my first BB. Have not played a hand yet. 52off. Missed flop- button raised, fold.

Q7off in SB,
UTG limped so will not raise.
Button limped too.
I limp,
BB checks.
I hit 2 pair.
Half pot bet. (note: bottom two pair)
KQ would have me pretty hurt.
UTG reraised.
I call.
Turn is a 4.
He bets the pot.
I call.
River is a 2.
I check.
He checks and shows K8.

I think I could have extracted a lot more chips but KQ seemed a pretty likely holding for a guy limping from early then calling raises.

5 of 42

Please hold the line Ninja. Just hold the line.

9 of 37 without playing a hand

Reseated- second stack at table.

7Toff in BB,
UTG limps,
SB min raises.
I fold,
UTG calls.
I would have hit middle pair with the T.
SB bets,
UTG folds.

9Joff in SB.
BB checks,
flop is T7Q.
I bet pot with open ended straight-
he folds.

8 of 36.

More folding. The Cute Helpful One is grading papers while I play. Eminem is in my Pandora and I am enjoying the new album. I am not a core “rap guy” but I really like the way he blends genres and his production quality is amazing.

3x raise with A9suited from UTG. I figured I probably couldn’t get a full round with limping- but maybe- and I wound up scooping.

10 of 32

Got a walk in the BB. Fun, I had J7off.

Folded A2off in SB to a MASSIVE bet from the button.

Draw The Hammer (72off) on the button and fold it to a large raise from early.

Again with the bathroom. Nothing happened while I was gone.

QJc in the BB.
UTG limps,
SB limps.
I check.
Ask me to talk about “flop hands” in a minute…
Flop gives me top pair and a gutshot straight.
I bet the pot,
UTG calls,
SB folds.
Turn comes and under blank.
I check to see how UTG handles it- he goes all in.

Now I’ve talked about not calling all-ins with TP and/or draws. But this guy has been pushing a lot and his all in is less than a pot sized raise. If I pay him off I lose less than half of what I am still holding. I call him and he is on a pure bluff with Ace Low.

5 of 29 now.

55 in the SB.
Early mid makes a big raise-
two callers.
I decide that the same theory of limping with small pairs incase you hit a set applies just at a bigger scale- still likely to miss- but HUGE pot if I hit. I missed. Oh well- actually, was only a 3x raise.

Guy to my right is table captain. He made a 5x raise from the button with A6suited and the BB went all in. BB had him covered and he calls anyway- he hit the 6 to win it. Calling all in with A6 for his tourney life?

He raised 5x in front of me in latish position. I call with AJoff. Flop is 979. He goes all in and I decide he just wants to go home. I call. He turns over… wait for it…A6suited. The Jack holds up. I am in 1 of 23.

Call a min raise from the BB with T3off. I hit the 3 and make a half pot bet. Guy goes all in over me- I realize he only has the pot so its 300 more into 2.1k He turns over AK. I am happy I called- he rivers the Ace.

Limp with K6 in the SB. Two other people including river rat from last hand. I hit the 6. Half pot- they fold.

Walk in the BB.

Table is short handed- that’s why.

A4d in SB.
Hijack limps,
I call,
BB checks,
I miss the flop and check-
BB goes all in.
I’ve got him super stacked but I think he hit something. I fold.

A2d in the BB,
SB is a microstack- goes all in-
I call.
He has KJ,
hits the K.
This is a trend tonight.

Lost some chips.
AJoff in the BB and a
small stack goes all in from late mid.
There was one limper.
I call the small stack-
I should have raised for protection I guess.
Limper calls too.
Flop comes 5JK and
I check like a good end game player-
he raises all in but is a pretty small stack too.
Fucker. I call- almost certainly a bad decision.
He turns over K9.
So, top pair and he beats me- but why did he get involved? WTF.

14 of 16 now

Limp with 55 from middle-
flop comes A77.
I let it go.
Lots of limpers- surely somebody had an Ace.

Blinds are huge. I want to lash out. I paid off several suckouts- then get fooled into a bad call by a donkey. I am in a rage. hate Hate HATE.

I fucking hate the world. I did some medium bad shit when I was young but I never hurt anybody. Later in life I strove hard to be a good person and do the right thing. Everything I touch gets fucked up now- and why? I did the right thing and got fucked 3 times a row- then somebody else does something WRONG (stupid) and it tricks me into making a mistake and I get fucked. I understand that bad streaks will happen- but by that logic the opposite of this should happen too- it doesn’t. I fucking hate everything.

To add insult to injury this busts me down to 13 of 14 and then we go on break so I get to sit and stare at my failure for four minutes.

M is less than 4. I am suffering from real bad why bother syndrome. Mostly I mean why bother going on- not poker. Poker is fun, it’s the everything added together that I don’t want to handle.

Blinds went up- all in under the gun with JTs. First in vigorish FTW. I hit AQoff- from the guy who raised post all in call. I hit my T and a straight draw on the flop. He turned a Q. I am out. Viva la fucking shitholeassdickpieceofcockfuckers.

At this point it is reasonable to ask why I would continue to play if it drives me through this sort of emotional torment. The answer is simple- when I don’t play it is worse. At least here there is a chance for something good to happen.

Another 45 seat.

KTo in hijack first hand.
No action so I 3x it.
SB calls-
BB folds.
Flop is 4A6.
SB checks,
I raise half pot-
he folds.

Flop Hands: Truth will often say “stealing the blinds is never a bad outcome.” He will also say “so?” when I say “but what if I only steal the blinds” when talking about monster hole cards and late position. To be continued…

Just lost 2/3 of my stack on another suckout.
BB with QT,
flopped the Q.
guy with JJ stayed in.
Turned 2 pair.
Guy with JJ stayed in.
River is a J.

Cocksucking donkey faggot fuck. Goddamn it.

Single table 5.50 buy in.

Why am I playing 5.50 buy in games when there are 1.25s? The THEORY that I generally believe- not today though- is that there are fewer RETARDED FUCKING MONKEYS playing. This shit happens much more often at the lower buy ins.

Flop Hands Continued: There are lots of opportunity and or marginal hands that stealing the blinds is a great result for. But you cannot win a tournament stealing the blinds- can’t be done. Flop hands are hands that have the potential to be hidden monsters and take all of someone’s chips. These are hands that I prefer to limp quietly than raise on.

AA on the button.
a raiser,
I reraise,
FOUR callers.
Flop is T38- no flush.
A guy goes all in-
he gets a caller.
why not? I call
Another guy calls behind me.
Aces hold up.
The original all in guy had already doubled up- so I only busted two of them.

TT steals the blinds.

Time to hold tight. If I win this I will pay for the entries to the suckout fests earlier- almost.

That guy is out now.

AKs UTG. Scoop the blinds.

JJ raise from the button-
SB calls.
Flop is all undercards-
no straights no flushes,
he bets half the pot-
I bet the pot-
he folds.

1 of 5

I am not playing to my potential tonight. Suckouts notwithstanding the fact is that this is a game of positioning. I’ve made some mistakes- loose calls- weakish moves maybe… You WILL get sucked out on. By playing you’re A game the rest of the time you make sure that you 1) have the most possible chips to withstand a suckout and 2) the most possible chips to exploit an opportunity.

Playing it conservative right now. Small stack just doubled up through medium stack with a better kicker.

I would like to use my stack to wins some pots right now but of the 5 players 3 of them are looking for double ups. So I know they are ready to move all in over me with any A or pair or suited connector or….

I’ve donated a few chips calling from blinds- never more than a blind. Min raise in BB, half in SB. I’ve let every one go as I’ve yet to hit ANYTHING. Note- that is 6 flops I’ve seen- I haven’t connected to ANY.

AA and another suck out fuck. Did I give away the ending? Lets examine my play.

People are folding or making big moves- I’d love to get all in- but I hate to not maximize my AA. I am on the button- so I min raise. Two callers. Flop is K38 rainbow. Min bet from BB. I reraise. He calls. Turn is a T. He bets the pot- I put him all in- he calls. He had KT.

Note- I’ve now seen 10 flops that have not touched me. 10 in a row.

I’ve got plenty of chips to pull this off- but I am literally struggling not to throw up now.

Okay, flop 11 I hit bottom pair. And by bottom I mean the deuce of my deuce 9 off BB.

I can’t even talk about how this tournament played out. Suffice it to say that my money went in good- and didn’t come out at all.

Two table 5.50

First hand I get A8c. I try to limp- from latish- a blind raises- everyone calls0 it’s a lttle pricey but so many people to gut if I hit my flush. I miss the flop and get out. People stay to the river- I never touch it. Six people stayed in after the initial raise.

Note: The two guys who stayed in- one stayed with nothing but runner runnered a flush- the other guy stayed with K high.

I am pretty rattled and sick with anger and hate feeling. The Dark Side is calling. I am going to stop writing and read some Wannabe. I hope it is calming.

Okay, out but I feel halfway okay about it… sort of.

Preflop all-in against QQ who hit a set. I was actually calling an all in from the guy who won the massive pot first hand- I knew he would make that move with nothing. Sadly, another guy came along.

Obviously I am barely- or not at all- holding it together. Well, lets go with “not at all”. There is an LCD monitor lying on the floor on the other side of my desk- you fill in the blanks. I am pretty this means something terrible has happened since the QQ incident since I handled that well. Its all a blur of assraping now though.

Cocksucker Big Dumb Loud One has decided its time for him to watch TV. He turns it on- sees what show it is- says “I hate this guy” then turns it up, throws the remote on the coffee table, and then sits back to eat his food.

BB with 99.
UTG raises 3x.
Three people call.
I call fourth.
Flop is AA3.

Okay, more stuff not recorded. I was slowly slipping into a monstrous rage. The sort of self perpetuating madness that leads to Very Bad Things. I get angry, then I get ashamed of myself for my anger, that makes me angrier. Anyway, it is a terrible thing and I hate myself for it. (which makes me feel ashamed- then angry)

So I stormed out of the house. The combination of bad beats, environmental ASSCLOWNHOOD, and then the questionable decisions that I started making after forced me to leave the house in an angry panic to avoid Very Bad Things. I drove (like an asshole) to In-N-Out Burger but realized that when you are so upset that you are close to puking that a nice hamburger is probably not the way to go. So I drove home (like an asshole).

Bankroll is fucking crushed so I move to the lower stakes tables- this is a pretty flaky fucking move given that it will INCREASE the amount of LAME SHIT that I am up against.

Anyway, so I am playing, trying to hold it together. The Big Dumb Loud One, who’s name I think I will change to Inconsiderate Fuckface now has TV going and has returned to his computer. I’ve got the classical Pandora as loud as it can go in my ears. I hate the hearbuds but it’s the best I can do.

Anyway, I crack Wannabe back open and am reading and blah- then I read the following words, “I’ve never been so happy to lose” and suddenly all of my new direction came flooding back. I got fucked over and over earlier- which sucks and is like getting my teeth kicked in with the way my life is right now. But, I am BY CHOICE playing a game with elements outside my control. A game where, by CONSCIOUS ADMISSION, all I can do is make good decisions and hope they pay off over time. I was not playing perfect, but I was playing well. I cannot let it get to me like that.

I mean, I know I can’t let it get to me like that- but I can’t. I need to be able to maintain. I don’t know how to control that anymore than I can control the cards… but still.

I’ve had this Weeping Buddha jpg up on my desktop in the corner for a while- it helped at first but I think I stopped appreciating it. I need to keep it in my conscious mind more.

Anyway, meanwhile, I’ve hit the money on a single table. So, if I do try to cash in something every day- I’ve got today covered.

Second in a 9 seat 2.25, then went out mid in a 5.50. I got FUCKED AGAIN early on then fought my way back to average. Then bet heavy with TT from late mid- got two callers. Board was undercards- I went all in. They both called. KK and QQ. Oops. Note: I can deal with this sort of thing no problem (at least in isolation)

Fresh 2.25 nine seat now- I folded the first three hands 64, 63, and 62 and all three would have taken the pot.

Made the money, played the final 3 tight. Big stack went all in preflop with K9off. I called with AA. Tonight has a strong trendline- you go ahead and guess what place I took. Fucking lame but I am a bit more zen than earlier.

Okay next game I went out first hand- I played it like a donkey and I knew it. It was the sort of “I know this is a donkey move but…” sort of logic that funds strong disciplined players. Nevertheless- again with the zen- I am okay with it as I made the choice of following this hand through. For the record- he had AA.

Probably wrongly I decided something a bit longer in scope would be nice so I went and looked at the tournaments. Sometimes they run these really soft 1 dollar games with deep formats that pay twice as many seats. Its almost a time kill. Check this- double stack (3k chips) long blinds (10 minutes online is long), and 18 out of 90 get paid. 90 people pay a dollar and first place gets… 22 bucks. Anyway, I signed up and already wish I was just doing another single table.

I fold a couple of hands of nothing then get TT from early mid position. I raise it from 30 to 180 and the big blind calls. The flop is Q86 and I bet half the pot. He calls. We check it down from here as undercards come and I worry about the Q. He had…J4. What the hell?

Sometime later…

BB with 99.
Mid position min raises.
I decide I will reraise but somebody else comes along.
I check.
Board comes T36.
I raise pot,
original raiser calls.
Other guy goes away.
Turn is another 3.
We both check.
River is a Q.
He bets half his stack-
I decide he is full of it and reraise him all in.
Note- he only had 1/3 my chips or so.
He calls with… A8. uh…

I just checked my record on a site called something like poker shark and it made me sad. I don’t know how long it goes back- I’ve got these things only doing a couple months… but it looked like I was down 500+ bucks. Over my lifetime playing (the past year) that sounds about right. But it still bums me out.

I need to change that.

Now, to be clear- I am recording every interesting hand. If I get lucky- you are going to hear about it.

QQ UTG- 4x raise.
SB goes all in for 1/3 my stack.
I call.
He turns over AQ.
Flop is AKK.
Nothing else needs to be said about what happened.

3x raise-
table captain calls.
I flop top set.
I check,
he checks,
another under- no straights no flushes.
I check,
he bets,
and I think then call.
The only danger I am facing is an over pocket pair hitting its set.
River is another blank- I don’t want to let him out for free- I bet half the pot-
he folds.

Sigh. At least I got my money back from the suckout.

99 from mid-
3x raise-
SB calls,
Flop is 39T.
He checks,
I bet half pot,
he calls.
Turn is a 5.
He checks,
I bet half the pot-
he folds.

I was hoping he would keep pushing his… whatever he had.

12 of 47 at break.

14 of 39. Not sure I’ve played any hands.

I’ve been reading Wannabe. He said something that made me want to open this and talk- and its already left my RAM. Wait here, I will go look again. No clues. Oh well.

I am a bit tired but feeling much calmer and more zen than earlier. It’s like the whole “play right and its okay even if you lose because you will win over time” thing was just GONE earlier. I think I was playing to win money- not playing to play right. I need to get this tattooed on me or something.

Truth never came home. This is very abnormal. I hope he is getting hot seks. He deserves some. I also hope it doesn’t change him… Being with a man for the first time can do that to a guy.

Statistics for 99 Hands
Street Saw Saw/Total
Flop 22 22%
Turn 12 12%
River 8 8%
Showdown 5 5%
Street Won Won/Saw Won/Total
Pre-flop 3 3% 3%
Flop 2 9% 2%
Turn 3 25% 3%
River 1 13% 1%
Showdown 3 60% 3%

I don’t know that I understand this. But I feel like it should be helpful.

One time table captain makes a 3x raise from late position. I call from the BB with A8 off. I believe he is restless. Flop comes A33. I check, he bets half the pot and I reraise him 4x. He folds.

Antes start. I am 15 of 34.

I steal the blinds with A5.

560 to play each round. I am at 7570 chips.

AK big raise preflop-
BB comes with me-
flop is all small-
we check,
there is a small pair on the board,
pot is 3k- he bets 1/3 the pot-
I can’t believe he called my raise and this flop hit him… h
e might have a pair…
The bet is small enough to call.
River makes 2 pair on the board.
We check it down- he had KQ.

8 of 30 now.

Couple of minor losing hands- medium with strong draws that didn’t go through… 15 of 27 now.

Truth got home. He claims he wasn’t scoring but he didn’t let me smell his fingers either. Mostly I am glad he didn’t call my bluff.

While chatting with him I made the money. Go me. At 11 of 16 now. M is less than 5.

Not sure if I already talked about this but… The other night I was telling Truth that I felt oddly disconnected from my recent epiphanies and learning. Earlier, when I melted down, it was like all of that learning was in fact GONE. How does that happen?

I just got a walk with Q3s. Awesome.

I think I will start putting all of the blow-by-blow stuff in a linear format. I think that will help with the readability. Not sure if I will go back and edit this for that or not.

Folded 66 from mid with a raise in front of me.
Board flops a flush.
Somebody goes all in and everyone folds.

Got a walk with Q2off.

AJ on the button with an M of less than 4.
Took my shot.
BB had AK and won with AKhigh.

Almost 3 hours of play and I made 1.80 off my 1.25 buy in.


2.25 9 seater

Seated in the BB.

I am tired enough that I really shouldn’t play, but I am not done draining the hate. I do not think I am so tired I will make poor choices- but we will see.

I can tell this is going to be weird. First hand goes to all in and we lose a player.

AQ on the button.
Several limpers
Hijack raises 12x
I call.
One of the limpers calls, the rest fold.
Flop is all low junk.
Other caller bets most of the pot- a committing move
Everyone folds.

AA in hijack
Couple limpers
I raise 3x
One guy stays
King high flop
He bets the pot
I raise over him all in
He calls with K2off
AA holds up.

Okay, just got through going and changing the format- I think it will still be messy because I was not thinking in that format yet…

Anyway, final three (in the money) now. A couple of interesting things happened but I was up editing and didn’t want to lose my place.

I am the chip leader- just need these guys to knock one another out.

Went out second. He played J2off, and hit a set on the deuce. Note: he hit a set 3 of the last 5 hands. WTF.

Doing another. Sigh.

Lost. Was playing okay and got sucked out on. Table had been really tight- blinds got huge- EVERYONE less than 10 M. Went all in with KT against QT when we hit the T. He rivered a Q high straight.

Next game.

In the first 12 hands I had 72 four times. 33 percent of my hands. Then I ran my JJ into KK post undercard flop but turned a J. I don’t feel bad. 33% man. Seriously?

JJ again- this time in the BB
Microstack min raises
I raise a hair more than half his stack
He calls
Flop is under under Q
I check
He goes all in
I call
He turns over AT and the JJ holds up


JJ on the button. What is going on with Full Tilt’s random number generator?

Guy who’s KK I cracked is now a microstack and limps,
I raise to half his stack
He goes all in for 300 more
I call
He has 22
JJ holds up

Three times? WTF?

Sixt eight hands and I just got 72 for the eight time.

The next hand had 77 in the flop and another on the turn.

I’ve actually had 73 and 74 several times each but wasn’t counting. I had KK and AA and both were folded to the raises. 3x with 5 people and min raise with 2 people.

In the money though.

Okay, I got to use an AA.

Three handed AA in the non blind
Min raise
BB calls
Board is J76
I bet 2/3 the pot
He goes all in
I call
He turns over J8
Turn river are 3T
My heart nearly burst with each card though

I ended in second. I will not play again tonight. Let me tell you how my night ended.

All in QT vs. Q6 post flop. The board was KJQ. We both had the Q. The turn was a 6. The river was a 6.

I will let you guess which of us had which hand- I will give you one hint. He apologized.

But unless I was heads up with fucking GOD the apology is coming from the wrong place.

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