Monday, September 28, 2009

Runner Runner Hate


5.5 SNG 9

I didn’t write about it much while it was happening, but I rocked some Gus Hansen aggression last night- the only difference was I had cards for almost all of it. I raised every hand for multiple blind rounds in a row. Eventually the big blind pushed back all in and while my PLAN had been to let it go, but he pushed back when I had AQ. Sadly, he had AK and was the second biggest stack. I paid him off. I just kept pushing though and rebuilt my stack. I went on to take second.

Well, the same thing has been happening this game. Lots of stealing, restealing- all backed by cards. A guy pushed back on a steal attempt when I was holding AT. I decided to put him all in- again, I was pipped- he had AJ… and I paid him off.

Clearly there is something I need to fix here, but I’ve had such strong hands… Sigh.

And I am out sixth. I took a couple of hard hits and was trying hard to get back to a stack that had some weight. I had two victories stolen by people making calls then chopping pots with me. Then, with T3 in the BB and multiple limpers the board came 88T and I pushed all in. I got called by AT. Game over.

5.5 SNG 9

The problem… or rather, a problem, is that the pushing and raising and scooping is addictive. So it is hard to stop- especially when you have a big stack and halfway decent cards. I will need to watch this tendency.

Cock knocker limped with aces. Done.

5.5 SNG 9

Ran my top pair top kicker (AQ) into pocket QQ.

5.5 SNG 9

All in with an over pair, called by top pair top kicker (carefully orchestrated play by me) and he turned a set. Motherfucker.

So much for 80%

5.5 SNG 9

Allow me to describe to you the final hand of heads-up.

Me: AQ in the BB
He min raises
I reraise 6x
He calls
Board comes 6TQ
I go all in
He calls
And turns over Q8
Turn is an 8
River is an 8.


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