Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No Pouting (about poker) Today!


Today was long and draining and did not include any real poker. I am just sitting down to my first single table SNG. Folded 63off on the button first hand. Wish me luck.

This was an interesting game and I wish I’d taken notes live as I played, but I was using my spare cycles to putter with something else.

The guy to my right drew massive pocket pair after massive pocket pair for the first 30 minutes or so. He did not get paid on any. He had everything but TT. I cracked his QQ with A4suited because he played them too soft and I hit my flush. I had several decent hands and built a not too bad stack then get stung twice and was hanging out just under the 1k mark. This is hurting but not quite desperate.

Then I went on a rampage. I had a nice run of good hole cards, decent flops, and suckers. I built a lead and proceeded to not give any chips back other than folded blinds and maybe the occasional probe bet and fold. The guy to my right had several interesting hands and so we chatted a little. He was entertaining and had thoughts that were based in right thinking- but not creative- so it was like chatting with a student in the hallway. It was entertaining and made me feel smart.

The interesting guy was down to less than 600 chips and then doubled up through the third place guy three times in a row- and then took him out. Every hand he made a good short stack decision, every hand he had the worse cards, every hand he won. It was a shame because they were both “right” and one guy just got fucked. I proceeded to crack that guy the next hand.

Then, I had 74suited in the BB. SB limps. I flop 4 top pair and one of my suit. He checks, I bet, he goes all in. I figure he is on Ax and also has top pair. Or a couple of overcards… or anything really. I’ve got him stacked 5x or so. He might have an overpair- but I’ve got a hand and can afford to pay him off a couple of times. I call. He turns over TT. Why slow play that? Anyway, I runner runnered the flush to take first. I felt a little bad because I am sure he is frustrated- but it wouldn’t have mattered. We were at like 11k to 2k. If he won we would have been at 9k to 4k. He was still fucked.

So, go me! Oh, I forgot to check my bankroll- wait here I need to re-open the app.

103 something. Almost recovered!

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