Thursday, September 17, 2009

Title Goes Here


Heh, they think I am “that guy”. First tourney of the day is The Daily Dollar. First hand, JJ from mid. I think given the field he correct play is… ALL IN TIL YOU WIN. I stole the blinds.

Q9 in the BB a few hands later. Flopped top pair with many limpers. Slightly better than pot sized bet. One caller. Turn was a deuce and I bet the pot again and he folded.

Okay, I fucked up. Not sure I would have made more money though. I limped from the button with T9suited. I flopped a gutshot straight. Somehow I didn’t notice the low card and thought I was only three to the. I turned my straight and thought THAT made me gutshot. I didn’t bet. The river paired the turn and last to act I just checked with my straight. Doh. Nobody had anything though- one guy had second to bottom pair.

Tried to limp with A2suited, BB raised, several callers, now I am looking at a HUGE pot for not too much more money, and a nutflop chance. So I call- I will also have position which is good. I flop a gutshot straight but nothing else. A guy bets the pot, I fold, another guy reraises 4x, another guy folds, original raiser calls. Turn is a K. They both check. River gives me the straight, BB goes all in with his set of Kings to win. Doh!

Big raise with TT and some callers- one overcard on the flop- I bet- they all call… we check to the river and I win- they had nothing.

Called a small raise from the SB with A5suited. Flopped a set of 5s. I check, BB raises, everyone folds, I call, turn pairs the other card from the flop (an 8) and I am nervous now. We check it down- he had over cards.

I need to go back to my list format.

I am going to phase out my use of the phrase “play poker” and replace it with “work poker”. I think this is an appropriate adjustment to keep my frame of mind in the correct place.

Unless you have a MONSTER chip lead, or a MONSTER hand, don’t be involved in an all-in unless you have 2 ways to win.

Why? A fire can’t burn without fuel.

Went out 4562. Total fuck up. People went donkey fuck up. A guy went all in out of the blue and it was a guy who I knew was frustrated. I was already excited about playing a hand- this is not a problem that would occur in real life as I wouldn’t know my cards- and I called him expecting him to have nothing.

Lets repeat Truth’s wisdom. “Just because you don’t think his cards are good doesn’t make YOUR cards good”

That said, I was falling behind the curve. My M was still okay but I was at about 1/3 the average. Oh well, its Truth’f fault for distracting me for a half hour and making me feel uninvested. What a dick.

5.5 SNG 9 seat

Out on the bubble. Played okay, but was card dead for a long time. Had an aggressive player go on an all-in reraise rampage when I had marginal cards that Icould not catch him with- raise from mid late with 88- he goes all in- I fold… that sort of thing. He stopped RIGHT when I hit a real hand. Then the other small guy doubled up and I took a couple of risks that did not pay off. I was in the BB with 63off and big stack guy limped. The flop is 45J or something. I am open ended but would like to see a free card- he pushes me all in. I will be left with an M of 2 and only 4 players- I decide to gamble… His K4 held up.

Frustrating night. I went out to buy a tool- nobody had it. I went four places. I came home and looked it up on the web and damned if I hadn’t seen it at the first place! I went back and… nope… was right the first time. So, wasted a big part of the night.

Truth is going to Garden tonight for the Wednesday tourney. It is supposed to be bigger but by Garden standards that means 50 people. It is also 150 instead of 120. So, too rich for my blood at the moment. That said, I am really tempted to go. I need to crack this live play discipline problem I have.

Hang on- heads up.

Done. First. But what did you expect?

Anyway, I was thinking that even if I didn’t do the tourney itself- I could just sit at a cash table. That worked out well last time…

I told myself if I played 2 single tables- and I felt I had time- that if I won first and first or first and second I would go. But now it is too late- still, I am stoked.

Let’s do another shall we?

Okay, THREE TIMES I tried to get into the 5.50 as it was building and THREE TIMES it filled before I could register. I was debating trying a 10+1… And I decided this was fate talking to me.

On the bubble. It is very soap opera like. Can’t write- must focus and fold.

Well, a couple stories.

First hand a guy knocked out two people. He has been the bully ever since.

I’ve been a disciplined folder- but also card dead and so stack was getting low.

Low stack made a decent raise when I had AQ. I felt I could crack him and paying him off would not kill me. So I went all in over him for protection. Big stack calls too- shit.

Small stack thinks and thinks. I go over every permutation in my head. If he calls and big stack wins- I get third. So that is good. But if he doesn’t call I’ve got a much better chance of winning.

Well, he calls. And turns over KK. Bigstack turns over AJsuited. Sadly, no ace. He took all the chips and I got my overbet back.

Now I am struggling small stack. Shoot!

I am seeing sooo many big pairs and not getting any! GRrrrr…

Its been hard because bigstack is to my left. He calls EVERYTHING, this would be great if I had some cards to catch him with. I mean, he has doubled me up twice already… But it means I can’t play ANYTHING but real good cards.

Like, since I mentioned no big pairs a minute ago… as an example… I’ve had 24 twice.


Out on the bubble.

I finally saw a hand- KQoff. I limped so as not to earn the wrath of bigstack. Board comes 2Q4. Guy bets, I go all in- he calls with Q2. No king comes.

Trying again.

10+1 SNG 9seat

First hand was kinda fun.

Started in the BB with A2off.
One small raiser
I call against my instincts (I had an ace for god’s sake)
Flop – 35A
I bet the pot
He calls
Turn comes a 4
But also makes a flush on the board.
My 2 was that suit.
So I hit my straight, but there was a flush on the board, but I had four of it…
I bet the pot.
He folded his AJ that did not have a flush card.

Heads up but small stacked. This bracket is much cagier.

Dang it. Out on the bubble again.

AQ vs. Q9. I was four to the Q flush after the flop. Then he rivered the 9 high straight.

5.5 sng 9 seat

Went out 3rd. I was strong but Truth turned on the main event and I was distracted and fucked up. I can’t blame him, but… Wait, no, I totally can. What an ass. He needs better “Ninja’s in the money” etiquette with the TV. When The Big Dumb Loud One does it he is turning on shit I hate so I can tune it out. Truth strategically chooses the most interesting possible thing. I hate him more every day.

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