Thursday, September 24, 2009

Queen Me a River


5.5 SNG 9 seat

AKoff in hijack
UTG limps
Raise from cutoff
I reraise
He calls
Flop 47J
He goes all in
I fold

1/3 of my stack gone. Poof.

I bet he is a donkey though- in fact, he is back to starting stack.

AQ in UTG+1

Pot riase
2 callers
Board comes 9QQ
I check
Next guy checks
Last guy goes all in
I call
Other guy calls
First all in turns over 34.
Other guy turns over KQ
Turn is a J
I hold my breath
River is a blank

I call a 3x in the SB with A5 off (raise from all-in guy first hand)
Board is TTJ
He goes all in
I fold.

AJ in hijack, no action, pot raise
Button calls
Board is 88T
I check
He bets
I fold

Man, I don’t want to be scared money weak player guy, but I don’t want to be volatile hope to get lucky guy either. I need to learn to “attack weakness” without putting myself too much at risk.

Fold JQ on the button to a smalls tack all in
(he only had 1/6 my stack but it was enough to not feel like tossing coins)

AJoff in late, one limper, 4x raise, scoop

Almost made a move in mid with K8suited- came to my senses.

Got to see a free flop with Q7off
Paired board
Threw out a min bet
He called
I just waited until I had a fold button

AKoff UTG (short table), pot bet
Small stack goes all in from the BB
I call
44 does not hold up

Bubble time

Pot size bet with AQoff- scoop

Not bubble- 5 handed. Bubble bubble.

Arguing with Truth in another window so, messed up.

Doubled up a small stack. I was watching for him to make his move.

3x UTG and I’ve got QJ
I call
Flop is Jack high,
He goes all in
I call
He has an under pair
He hits his set on the river

KQsuited UTG,
One caller
Paired flop
He bets
I fold

Goddamn that rivering fuck. Being the short stack at the bubble sucks.

Focus focus focus

Bubble burst, suckout got cracked

Dancing, dancing, reraise with QQ takes a pot preflop

Blinds are low enough that its not too volatile yet- but close.

I pay off a guy when he slowplays 2 pair and I call him to the river.

The other small stack and I are staying about the same- but our stacks are slowly shrinking as bigstack acquires chips.

I chop a pot with other short stack when we both have QT and miss.

I make another reraise, this time with AJ, and get the fold

Bigstack gives some chips to the community.

Other smallstack and I are still close.

Another reraise, this time with AKsuited against small stack- scoop

Blinds are now 100/200

And I go out third.

I pushed all in against bigstack with top pair- he had top two pair.

5.5 SNG 9seat

I read two things about playing small pocket pairs recently. They seem to contradict one another. Generally I’ve taken the “if the table is soft- bet them”, “if you can afford it- see a cheap flop and hope for a set”, and “if chips are tight- chuck em” philosophy. I read that it is “worth it” to call up to a 4x BB raise with them… But I also read that seeing cheap flops and hoping for the set is a losing proposition. I am not sure how to reconcile these.

I just called a 3x from the BB with 44. I am totally okay with it as the SB called too so I was looking at 60 to win 270. I missed and gave it up.

Then I folded 55 from mid with a 3x ahead of me. These two choices seem pretty at odds.

AND MOTHER FUCKER- FOUR CALLERS AND I would have hit the set.


QQ in the SB
I FEEL like the guy to my right is going to go all in. He has been a donk so far.
But there was a min raise and a reraise and I rereraised the pot.
He went all in with 33.
I double up.

Why did I do this? Table read. That guy had already been all in twice and it was hand 9 or 10.

I lost a couple of chips but made a nice dodge to a guy who hit Aces full of Kings.

I was feeling like this guy was just all over- but I ran back through his hands and he has had a 2 pair or better in 30% of the TOTAL HANDS so far. Holy shit- I hate this guy!

A6suited in the SB
UTG makes it 3x
I call
Flop gives me 4 to and has a K
I bet
He calls
Turn comes another K
I bet
He folds

Minraise from hijack with 33
Missed the flop
He checked
I bet
He called
Turn is another overcard
He checks
I bet
He reraises
I fold

KK cracked by AQoff to double up a small stack.
He raised preflop- I reraised him almost all in
Board comes 244
I put him all in
And rivers his ace.
I was 85% to win when the money went in.

The guy to my right is the dominating chip lead and an insane luckbox. Worse, he isn’t playing poorly either.

The guy to my left is the second chip leader. No real data.

And suckout fuckface is the only guy with fewer chips than me.

We are five handed and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd all have more than 3x my stack.

I am barely treading water with hand backed steals. The other small stack is all in every other hand almost. And then doubles up with AA.

Luckbox pays off second place guy but still has double my chips.

AK suited does not pay off. My raise gets called, I miss the flop, I call a min bet, we check to the river but I’ve got nothing and lose to bottom pair.

I limp in the SB with one limper ahead of me with QJ, BB comes too, I hit my J and push all in for a scoop.

I push all in with KJsuited to scoop blinds plus a limper again.

KQoff UTG, 3x,
BB calls
Miss the flop (A96 or something w/ 2 diamond)
He checks
I check
I hit my Q on the turn and its suit matches my king and the other two diamonds)
I go all in and he folds

BB with A5suited
I call a min raise from the SB
Board is A24
He goes all in
Shit shit shit
I call
He turns over A3.
He does not hit his 5 or 3.

I am solidish.

It crippled that guy (the luckbox) and he goes out 2 hands later.

Bubble time.

I literally said “My goal is to not pay anyone off” and saw a free flop in the BB
Flop comes K high, he checks, I check
Turn comes a T, I have a T, he bets I call…

You can see where that was going right?

Me: 3300

100/200 blinds

I make a tough laydown to a small raise from the smallstack. I was in the BB with KJoff.

300 chips is the world to him- but without fuel…

And bubble pops.

AJoff in the BB
SB limps
I raise,
He folds

I limp in the SB and scoop post flop

I fold K8off on the button

25suited in the BB, free flop, I hit the 2 and scoop

I fold A4off in the SB… not sure why.

I can’t write it fast enough- sorry. Wait here.

I double up when I hit the paired board and somebody pushes into it.

I get the small stack to call an all in AQ vs QT.

Heads up now.

I caught him bluffing once- that was cool.

I bet when I hit an ace and he called- my kicker was shit so we checked it down- he triped his pocket Queens on the river.

All in TT vs. AQ.

Guess what card he hit on the river?

Just guess. I will tell you if you are right.


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